first_run_welcome=<html>Welcome to Qumana<br>Thank you for downloading Qumana - the easiest, and most profitable, way to publish to your blogs.<br>To begin using Qumana, click "Ok" and you will be prompted to set up your blogs.</html>
first_run_welcome_title=Welcome to Qumana
#### Menus/Actions
about_qumana=About Qumana
add_blog=Add Blog
add_blog_description=Add a Blog to Qumana
align_left=Align Left
align_right=Align Right
align_center=Align Center
autospell=Spellcheck as you type
check_spelling=Check Spelling...
check_update=Check for Updates
clear_search_description=Clear search results
close_blog_manager_description=Closes the Blog Manager
close_editor_description=Close this post editor
copy_permalink=Copy Link
copy_permalink_description=Copy the post's location to the clipboard
display_blog_manager=Blog Manager
display_blog_manager_description=Open the Blog Manager
edit_post=Edit Post
edit_post_description=Edit the selected Blog Post
exit_description=Quit Qumana
font_color=Font Color
help_contents=Qumana Help
image_properties=Image Properties...
indent=Increase Indent
insert_image=Insert Image...
insert_link=Insert Link...
unindent=Decrease Indent
insert_tag=Insert Tags
insert_tag_description=Insert tags into your post
insert_technorati_tag=Insert Technorati Tag
insert_technorati_tag_description=Insert Technorati Tag
insert_html=Insert HTML
insert_html_title=Insert HTML
insert_html_description=Paste or type HTML code here.
link_properties=Link Properties...
new_post=New Post
new_post_description=Write a new Blog Post
ordered_list=Ordered List
unordered_list=Unordered List
update_post=Update Post
update_post_description=Update this article in the selected Blog
publish_post=Publish Post
publish_post_description=Publish this article in the selected Blog
save_post_description=Save the changes you have made to the post
save_post_error_create_file=<html>Unable to save post:<br>Cannot create file.</html>
save_post_error_not_found=<html>Unable to save post:<br>File not found.</html>
save_post_error_write=<html>Unable to save post:<br>Cannot write to file.</html>
save_as_xhtml=Save as HTML
save_as_xhtml_description=Save the post as an HTML document
show_blog_props=Blog Properties
show_blog_props_description=Change the Blog's settings
show_preferences_description=Open the preferences dialog.
sync_posts=Refresh Posts
sync_posts_description=Synchronize the blog posts with the server
toggle_post_properties=Post Properties
toggle_post_properties_description=Shows or hides the post properties
view_post=View Post
view_post_description=Opens the post in a browser window
toggle_blog_manager_description=Shows or hides the Blog Manager
toggle_drop_pad_description= Shows or hides Drop pad
select_all=Select All
strikeout=Strike Out
clean_formatting=Remove all formatting
#### Blog Synchronizer
blog_sync_getting_cats=Getting categories for post {0}
blog_sync_sync_posts=Refreshing posts for {0}
#### Blog Manager
blog_manager_n_posts={0} Posts
blog_manager_title=Qumana Blog Manager
blog_list_title=<html><b>Your Blogs</b></html>
blog_manager_hide=Hide Blog Manager
blog_manager_show=Show Blog Manager
#### Delete Blog message
delete_blog=Remove Blog
delete_blog_description=Remove a Blog from Qumana
delete_blog_confirm_description=<html>Are you sure you want to remove {0} from Qumana?<br>Any posts that you have not published will be lost.</html>
delete_blog_confirm_title=Delete Blog
delete_blog_db_error=<html>Error deleting {0} from Qumana:<br>{1}</html>
#### Delete Blog Post messages
delete_blogpost=Delete Post
delete_blogpost_description=Delete the selected post
delete_post_confirm_description=Are you sure you want to delete the post?
delete_post_confirm_title=Delete Post
delete_post_db_error=<html>Error deleting the post from Qumana:<br>{0}</html>
delete_post_server_error=<html>Error deleting the post from the server:<br>{0}</html>
delete_post_error_title=Cannot delete post
delete_post_not_supported_description=The blog does not support deleting posts
delete_post_local_copy_only=Delete local copy only
#### Post editor
post_editor_config_error=Qumana was unable to configure the HTML editor.
post_editor_add_trackback_tooltip=Add a new Trackback URL
post_editor_delete_trackback_tooltip=Delete the selected Trackback
post_editor_save_changes=Do you want to save your changes?
post_editor_save_changes_title=Save Post?
last_published_on=Last Published on {0}
#### Add blog wizard
add_blog_title=Add Blog Wizard
add_blog_step1=<html><b>Auto Configure</b><br>Enter your blog's URL and then click "Next".<br>Qumana will try to find out the required configuration information.<br>ie:</html>
add_blog_step2=<html><b>Manual Setup</b><br>Qumana could not automatically detect your blog's settings.</html>
add_blog_step3=<html><b>Login Information</b><br>Enter the username and password you use for your blog.</html>
add_blog_step4=<html><b>Blog Selection</b><br>Select the blogs you want to add to Qumana.</html>
add_blog_discovering=Discovering blog settings, please wait.
add_blog_nousername=The Username field cannot be blank.
add_blog_nopassword=The Password field cannot be blank.
add_blog_getblogserror=<html>Error trying to retrieve your blog information.<br>{0}</html>
add_blog_gettingblogs=Retrieving blog information, please wait.
add_blog_confirm_exit=Are you sure you want to leave the Add Blog Wizard?
add_blog_confirm_exit_title=Are you sure?
add_blog_getting_categories=Getting categories for {0}
add_blog_blog_exists=<html><b>{0}</b> has already been added to Qumana using the same username and will not be added a second time.</html>
add_blog_blog_exists_title=Duplicate Blog
### Blog properties dialog
blog_props_title=Blog Properties
blog_props_description=<html>You can change the settings for {0}.<br>If you don't want to change your password just leave it blank.</html>
blog_props_nousername=The Username field cannot be blank.
blog_props_noname=The Name field cannot be blank.
blog_props_timezone=Blog timezone
blog_props_use_default_timezone=Use the default timezone
advertising_insert_ad_step1_text=<html>Enter a single word or phrase to describe your post. <i>Tip: if your post is about dogs, enter 'dog' or related things, such as 'dog food'</i></html>